What Is Below Grade Waterproofing?

What Is Below Grade Waterproofing?

Waterproofing your home and or basement is an extremely important part of being a homeowner and one of the first steps to taking great care of your home. What many people don’t know is that there are actually different types of waterproofing and it’s important to know...

Best Waterproofing repairs a cracking patio.

  One of our customers in the Louisville area had really nice patio and brick wall completed in the summer.  The problem is, the company that was hired to do this work missed a few crucial steps.The other company’s workers did...
Why Basements Leak Water During the Winter

Why Basements Leak Water During the Winter

We all know that during the rainy seasons basements can leak and moisture is present. Many homeowners, however, do not know that the risk of their basement leaking in the winter is just as high as the risk of it leaking during the rainy season. During the winter...
Flooding in Louisville, KY

Flooding in Louisville, KY

A powerful storm front pushed through Kentucky over the weekend setting records, damaging property and causing over 80 people to need rescuing. Louisville and the Jefferson County areas were affected most by the storm. Although there were no reported injuries, many of...
Common Mistakes in Crawl Space Repairs

Common Mistakes in Crawl Space Repairs

When homeowners need crawl space repair they often will research on the internet for do-it-yourself methods. There is a lot of good information out there and some not so good information.  Unprofessional crawlspace repair is most often a temporary fix to a big...
The Types of Molds Often Found in Louisville, KY Homes

The Types of Molds Often Found in Louisville, KY Homes

Scientists have estimated there are more than an estimated 400,000 varieties of mold.  Only a fraction of those have been studied and named. In the U.S. there are about 1,000 types of molds that are commonly found in homes and some of these are much more common...
House Jacks and Piers

House Jacks and Piers

If your home is settling and you think or have been told that house jacks might be a solution to your problem, you may want to research to better understand house jacks and piers. There are numerous kinds of piers or pilings that work well depending on various factors...